Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

and to stand the blows which follow in its path. So they have thrown out
the orgasm theory, and are taking over a kind of ghost, which does not
mean yes or no, black or white, mah nor bah. You are helpless against
such procedure on the part of the so-called common or little man, who
grabs without being punished, and pays tribute where he is treated in an
authoritative manner. Take, hit and run is their motto.
Don't worry, no "psychologist" will enter the life-sphere of my boy
during the first five or six years of his life. What I said before about the
politicians applies naturally to the psychologists too. They took the
wrong and superficial in Freud's theory and left out the dynamite.
About my boy another time. He is a great joy, but also a complete
upset of my routine, quiet remote life. For months now I could not do
much except routine work. But I shall cope with all that. I discovered
first of all that a baby is a fully developed being and that we great bio­
physicists etc. know damn little about what a baby really expresses.
Second, I found out that the baby is born without a trace of irrational­
ism. It always has a good reason when it cries, never cries without a
reason, whether we understand it or not. He is very curious, studies
whatever crosses his field of vision.
Write again and soon. My congratulations on the success of your
school. I am dreaming of getting you here.

  • • •

Summerhill School
F estiniog, North Wales
June 18, 1944
My dear Reich,
Odd that since my wife died I have had a burst of creation.
Have written a play and finished my book. Have given up teaching and
am doing only veg.-ther. analysis. The more I see the results with ado­
lescents the more I consider that bloody man Reich a great man. But
why haven't I done it till now? Some Hemmung [inhibition].
Did I ever acknowledge the two registered letters you sent? Sorry if I
didn't. I am keeping them in my safe meanwhile.
I haven't any special news at present. Will let you know how the veg.­
ther. goes. Marvellous why patients weep so easily when lying on their
backs. Some do so the first Stunde [hour]. Why?
At last I expect to get enough tin to make if not the Akku, at least
the bed cover. Buying today isn't easy; so many things are controlled. I

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