Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
All good fortune to you and lise and Peter in 1946. Lang may your
lum reek ... get a Scot to translate that one.

  • • •

Forest Hills, New York
January 12, 1946
My dear Neill:
This is to answer your letter of December 27th. First of all, I
would like to discuss the project of Eastmond and Day. It is a tough
proposition to decide upon. I am a bad police dog, and I don't like to
supervise. I would say, let them go ahead and let's hope for the best.
There is only one wish I would insist upon being fulfilled. They should
not use the words sex-economy or orgone biophysics in the title of
their journal, unless they are ready to cooperate with the Orgone Institute
very closely, as Dr. Hoppe* in Palestine and others in other countries
I believe you are still adhering to an old antithesis of capitalist
world and socialist world, which is a dead past. You say your feelings
are with Russia against the imperialist idea. I wonder why you don't see
that Russia is as imperialistic as any capitalistic country could be (see
Iran, Finland, etc.) and that the American government has divided up
the big estates in Bavaria. I also believe that you underestimate the
truly democratic trends and forces in the U.S.A., the hate of imperialism
and dictatorship. I wish we had time to discuss these things thoroughly.
Take my belated congratulations to the 25th birthday of Summerhill.
I wonder whether you know how important Summerhill is, and how
much more important it will become in the future. I don't believe that
there will be a communist regime in the whole world. It is not honest,
and will die out just because of that.
Please write soon again, and let me have a snapshot of yourself and
your school.


  • Walter Hoppe, German physician who had immigrated to Israel.

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