Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

case. I am known to the intelligentsia of this country; recently a few
well-known newspapers have called me a genius. But if I had to appear
in court on some or any charge, financial or criminal or what not, I'd
be "a schoolmaster Alexander Neill etc." The judge and jury wouldn't
know my name, and if the enemy counsel quoted from my books they
would certainly not be in sympathy with my views. I take it the case with
you is similar. Any hostile person can condemn you out of your own
mouth as seen in your writings. It sounds insane that any judge should
challenge a man for having Lenin and Trotsky books in his house. A
wise judge would say that these two authors cancel each other out! You
say I am out of date in my opinion that the old set-up Communism
versus Capitalism is still alive. If it is dead why does your judge see
danger in your library? Odd that your judge should fix on the political
side, ignoring the fact that your sex-economy views are of greater mo­
ment than mere political set-ups.
After six years in N.Y. have you no friends at the top? It is usually
easier to deal with a lord than with his butler. A way must be found.
You can't go moving to another country which will get all your dossier
before you arrive. I here admit a daydream ... maybe after all Reich
will come to live in London. I wish you could, but not as a compulsory
expelled man from U.S.A.

  • ••

Forest Hills, New York
January 29, 1946
My dear Neill:
I just received your letter of January loth. I am, of course,
strictly against my books being published by political organizations.
That does not mean that I have anything personally against anarchists,
communists or even individual fascists. You find useful and useless ones
in all camps.
I am glad that your book is selling well. It deserves it.
Re your trip to the U.S.A.: I would suggest that you hook up with
the Hamilton School in New York which could arrange a leisure-full
lecture tour in the U.S. I would advise very much against the typical
American touring. I am still longing for a good long chat with you.

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