Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
Your question in regard to a book on the orgone is very timely. After
a long struggle, and in spite of being at a peak in my psychiatric work
and earning, I decided to restrict earning money to two hours a day,
and to devote all the rest mainly to writing down the story of the
orgone as far as it goes up to now. It is very important to have a sum­
mary of these things published. But the writing alone will take about 2
years, so that the book won't be here till another 3 years have passed.
It will interest you that my oId foes of 1938 in Norway are still at
work. The other day, one of my students here from Norway showed
me a letter from her father in which he says that the hereditary biologist
Luis Mohr of the University of Oslo has told him that I am a swindler
and that he is ready to say so in public. I am going to write down and
publish the whole fight for biogenesis which I have had to put up since
about 1926. In spite of having gone through it myself with heart and
blood, I am still astonished and amazed at what people are capable of
doing, saying, pesting, and so on.
Now a remark as to "free" sex. In order to distinguish ourselves from
the damaging pornographic concept of sexual activity, we got used, and
found it very helpful, to using the word healthy or natural instead of
free. When suppressed people use the word free, they invariably mean
fucking around indiscriminately.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

My dear Reich,

  • I •

June 19, 1946

By this time Barakan will have met you. He is a clever lad and
mad about your work. You may find him as I did, a bit of a Besserwisser
[know-it-all] but not an objectionable one as so ma ny can be. I could
think of no special message to give you via him, and all I asked him to
do was to bring back a detailed method of making an Akku.
Ena gets big with child. Australia offered to pay my expenses if I
went out to a conference there in October, but I refused because I
can't be away when she is having the child. I don't know what to say
about a trip to U.S.A. Ena wants to come with me, and she won't be
fit to travel for some time. I don't want to come by air if I can help it,
especially now that fatherhood lies before me, and flying isn't too safe
yet ... which is most likely a rationalisation. I have noted in recent
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