Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
But this is Xmas time and I ought to be merry... not so easy with
nothing to buy but weak beer.
Constance comes to us for Xmas. Must ask her about accumulators
in London. I should like to see Ena sitting in one. Like me she hates
doctors with their drugs and injections.

P .S. Zoe flourishes and already is trying to bully us both at seven weeks.
God help a poor father.

  • I •

Forest Hills, New York
December 29, 1946
My dear Neill!
I just received your letter of Dec. 20th ...
The world gets worse and worse. The logic in the downfall of our
civilisation is appalling. There is nothing we can do at present except
save all the archives and the bit of knowledge about the human animal
for better times to come. For months I am at work to pile together the
history of my work, the correspondence, the archives of the discovery
of the orgone. I am preparing in all earnest to save what can be saved.
A concrete cellar will be built at Orgonon to deposit the important
material-several thousand tightly typed pages.
Our literature here still sells like warm bread. About 4-500 copies a
month. Many thanks for your kind endeavours to have my books
printed in England. They will start to print my stuff when it will have
ceased to be new, when it will have become commonplace, that is, when
no more danger will be involved in standing up for it.
The communists have attacked my Mass Psychology here in The New
Republic, calling it "psychofascist." What bad consciences these fellows
have!!! What a nightmare of politiciandom!!! They are toppling every­
thing they have fought for honestly only 20 years ago.
I still believe that you underestimate U.S.A. But the wave of
militarism and imperialism is growing stronger by the week.
lIse has reservations on the Queen Elisabeth around 6th of April.
How do you feel about a visit to U.S.A.? It could be arranged easily
with the help of the Hamilton School.
I would like so much to hear more about Zoe. Does she let you sleep
peacefully at night?

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