Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1


Forest Hills, New York
January 19, 1947
My dear Neill:
I am worried about Barakan's behavior. Some students of the
Institute told me that he had made bad, disparaging remarks about me,
just as he did to me about you and Wolfe and others. It will be important
to learn what he is doing under the authority of having studied at
Orgonon. Please let me know about it as soon as you have news.
lIse is going over to England in about two months. She will be able
to give you all the data about the orgone, and also all the details about
our situation here. This situation is good and bad at the same time.
Good, because my work broke through on a wide front in the U.S.A.;
bad, because I have to switch from having been in opposition for 25
years to a most dangerous position from now on. I know that such
successes are apt to soften the acuity of sharp, uncompromising attitudes
in science and social matters. My doctor students have discovered that
much money can be made by Orgone therapy, and this is very bad for
the work and for them. Since the amount of money you make is the
measure rod for your greatness here as everywhere else, I find myself in
the awkward position to ask horrible fees if I don't want to risk to fall
behind. I am actually earning less than some of my students who work
10 hours daily with patients, because I am working only 3 hours daily
with money making, and the rest with study and writing. I see the whole
question of prevention of the biopathies going to hell, and I see already
fear in the eyes of the workers to deal with the social structure which
opposes healthy living. You don't mind I hope that I am pouring out my
heart to you. Our work, yours as well as mine, is caught right in between


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