hours a day, and feel that I've said all I know and think, and I have still
17 hours to talk. I can't understand the 5 or 6 ministers here; they
don't explain how they can follow Christ and that devil Reich at the
same time. One said when I asked him that they were conscious
Well, there goes the gong for the morning Seminar. God 'elp me. I
keep thinking of you three and the quiet of Maine. I try to go on with
my book but have had to give it up; no energy after so much talking.
Rangeley, Maine
My dear Neill:
- I •
September 4th, 1947
We have your letter of Labor Day. We are still missing you,
and it turns out true what I wrote you before you arrived, that it would
be much too short. Well, we shall have to wait I guess for our next
Rangeley , Maine
My dear Neill:
- I •
September 8th, 1947
It's Monday morning, and I guess you are just departing for
New York. I am sure your lecture will be a great success. I shall await
your telephone call on Wednesday evening in my little cabin.
Again I wish to tell you how much I enjoyed your visit here at
Orgonon. It is always invigorating to be able to speak out, without
reservations and fa�ades.
The best of luck to you and yours in England.
- I •