marized in the last part of The Function of the Orgasm. I am adding a
few basic characteristics of later date.
Orgone can be seen pulsating and moving West-Eastward on calm
lake surfaces and on stars by means of the telescope at about 80 X
magnification. Arrangements which accumulate orgone energy show a
constant higher temperature as compared with the surrounding air.
This constant temperature difference can best be obtained through
burying an orgone accumulator in the soil, and measuring above the
accumulator and in simple earth. Orgone energy in its concentrated
form can be demonstrated by means of the Geiger-MUller counter [the
Geiger counter], the highest speed so far obtained being around 25 to
100 impulses per second. Of course, without any artificial radiating
substance in the neighborhood.
Orgone charges blood and tissues biologically, removes secondary
anemias, causes expansion of the vascular nervous system, thus helping
in cases of high blood pressure and angina pectoris. By improving the
general condition of the organism, it counteracts to a greater or lesser
extent, depending on the case, the process of deterioration in the cancer
biopathy, which is not to be confused with the cancer tumor.
The fertility of the soil (humus), the expansive processes of growth
and development are due to natural orgone energy in the soil and in the
air. Orgone can be drawn from humus into water and by a process of
freezing can be made to concentrate into flakes of a biological nature
(Experiment XX). These flakes constitute true plasmatic matter.
Orgone can be seen in complete dark rooms as a bluish-gray shimmer
and moving shining clouds.
The earth is surrounded by a rotating orgone energy atmosphere,
west to east. This "Orgone Envelope" is physically the same as the
corona of the sun. Orgone energy has been used in promoting the health
of mother and child in pregnancy. It is capable of healing wounds
quickly. It is being used by many physicians, physicists and biologists in
many countries. It is present everywhere and penetrates everything, and
is, most probably, that which was for many centuries sought for as the
The universe is not empty as assumed by classical physics, but it
is filled with the pulsating cosmic energy, the orgone, out of which the
matter of the heavenly bodies most probably developed.
Orgone energy is a true physical energy demonstrable by physical
means, and, at the same time it is that energy which we feel in our organ
sensations as pleasure or anxiety, depression or elation. Our emotions
ben green
(Ben Green)