Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

one says we are both looking well, and Ena says I look years younger
and happier since I came back from Maine.
But I am very anxious about the world.
This new Comintern means the political line-up before the military
one, and I foresee a universal bloodbath. Communism will win in the
end, and my work and yours will be negatived by hate... for the
chained workers must react with hate when they get what they think is
freedom. The outlook is black indeed. But, Reich, I can't flee from it
to U.S.A. I can't leave 70 kids when there is no one I know who could
carryon my work.
I am getting at last a maths teacher and will be free to work with the
kids individually. My visit to you convinced me that I have to get back
to contact with the individuals as I used to do, easing their Onanie guilt
as much as I can.
Let me know of any developments re the FBI and that stupid
article. * The Time article about me was poisonous too. At least there
is this freedom here, that Scotland Yard never sends tees [detectives]
to see what I am doing.
Sad to think you have all left Orgonon. I wish to goodness you could
get out of your therapy work.
My book just about finished, and then I start to translate the Little
Man. It is a great book that ... the only one of yours I fully understand.
Re-reading the Function of the O. while I sit in the box, but, mein
Gott, how difficult it is for me when I meet a word like sympathetico­
tonia. Still I do get the most of it. And after seeing you again I get
much more out of your books.
I want to write a chapter on Why Does Man Hate Sex and Life? But
I have not enough knowledge to answer the question. I can see
what you mean when you say man changed from matriarchal to patr.
society when he began to have private possessions. But that doesn't
tell me why Brown beats his boy for Onanie, or why mysticism persists.
I wish I were a scholar and knew things historically. I know the answer
is in your books, but where I dunno. My cat Jeep has no mixture of
Lust-Angst [pleasure-anxiety]. I knew that I'd think of a 100 questions

* Neill here appears to confuse the FBI and the FDA. The article he refers to is
"The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich," by Mildred Edie Brady. On the strength
of that article, an agent of the Food and Drug Administration, acting on instruc­
tions from his superior in Washington, had visited Orgonon during September to
find out all he could about the orgone accumulator.
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