Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
and treatment, the snag being that we don't want to call in the local
doctor who will simply prescribe pills. She is so conscientious about
kids that often she leaves the Box to attend to them, but in this vaca­
tion I'll see that no one is there to interrupt her.
H you need me in a hurry phone me at my expense.

  • • •

Forest Hills, New York
December 18, 1947
My dear Neill:
We are in the middle of a court action against the Food
and Drug Administration. I shall need the Little Man as well as all
other material pertaining to orgone energy. From the communications
you receive you will get a picture of what it is all about.
I just read your letter of November 17th again, having had no time
for a thorough answer because we are drowning in work necessary to
keep the Food and Drug Adm. at bay. We are all under a terrible strain.
Things are coming to a head and are burning around us. It is a
question of either high up or deep down. But we are fighting bravely.
I obtained 3000 impulses per minute, or 50 per second, or as much
as a strong atomic pile would give, already with the third Geiger-MUller
device, and that's good news.
We would like_ to know about your plans for the summer. Please

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