Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
will take with them. You underestimate America in its youthfulness,
ability to change and to adjust to new situations.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

My dear Reich,

  • • •

March 19, 1948

Please send me a formal invitation to come and lecture under
the auspices of the O. Institute. I need written evidence before I apply
for a visa. It isn't at all certain that we can come, for the Cunard Line
says that all berths are booked all summer.
As to communism, maybe I am more pessimistic than you because
I have it on my doorstep now, and if war does come it means that this
country will be a chaos of death, for it will be U.S.A.'s aircraft carrier
No. I.
Ena is so keen on helping me with the smaIl children that she thinks
she might stay on for a few months to get O. therapy in N.Y. after I
go home.
God I am longing to see you again, even ohne [without] whiskey!
I'll telegraph when I get dates of landing ... if I do get 'em.

P.S. Most wonderful is self-regulation with Zoe; she shows no sign of
hate or destructiveness. It is a joy to watch her grow. One of the staff
has a girl of two and the difference between the bodies is great. Zoe is
as loose as a kitten; Deborah as tight as a drum.

  • ••

Forest Hills, New York
March 25, 1948
My dear Neill:
I am in a turmoil, since during the past two weeks I succeeded
in demonstrating the orgone energy in a complete vacuum (evacuated
tubes). I obtained blue colored lumination and up to 25,000 impulses
per minute on the Geiger-MUller counter. (Please, don't ask Bernal
what he thinks of it. He doesn't know anything about it.)
If Ena wants to study orgone therapy, she should make arrangements
already now with one of our doctors. Their time is filled to the utmost.

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