will have enough seminars and lectures to cover expenses in connection
with your travelling.
Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
My dear Ilse,
- I •
June 29, 1948
Yours today with the great news of the motor turning. *
Wonderful. Longing to see it. We sail August 3rd and it takes 8
days. We both look forward a lot to seeing you both, and my
only anxiety is the international situation which looks as black as hell
today. We are both very tired out with the constant flow of visitors,
mostly dull Scandinavians. They muck up our lives... for instance,
four times last week I had to come out of the Akku to deal with some
new arrivals. Most of my staff are too hopeless to do even that.
Love to you both.
P.S. I can't get over the big news of the motor. I'll flourish it before all
the idiots who say that Reich is a charlatan.
Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
Dear Both,
- I •
July 9, 1948
We've all had a war scare again over the Berlin affair,t and I
hear that schools in London are seeking castles in Scotland to evacuate to.
I don't think it will come just yet, but in case some Russian or American
idiot starts shooting in Berlin I am posting on to you the page proofs of
* Reich recorded this event in an affidavit which he had notarized on June
30, 1948 : "On June 26, 194 8, at 1 p.m., I succeeded in setting a motor into
motion by means of the Orgone Energy Motor Force which I had discovered by
way of the Geiger-Muller counter on August 8, 1947." As witnesses he lists his
wife, the caretaker, and three of his associates.
t The Soviets had blockaded the city, hoping to force the Allies to abandon the
Western sector.