second article and never used it. So far my book is being killed by
silence. I mean in U.S.A.
Say, lIse, if we are coming in 1950 who is to arrange lectures for me
this time? I must earn 10 00$ if I am to cover all expenses-and this
time I insist on paying for my food in Orgonon. And no presents...
limited to one belt.
I have written Eastmond saying he can't sell Orgone Institute books
and practise any therapy at the same time. I lecture again tomorrow in
Wrexham. As in Oxford, there will again be enquiries about how to get
your books.
Thanks for the reviews you sent me of Little Man, Fascism book, etc.
Do I detect an increasing change of attitude, one that can be expressed
as: We'd better be careful what we say about this Reich man, for ap
parently he isn't the madman we wanted him to be.
Zoe running all over the place. Daily Herald woman coming today
to see her and to ask about self-reg. Picture Post wants a woman
photographer to spend 8 days here photoing Zoe, saying: "Nowhere in
England has any baby the environment and chance to be self-regulated
and we ought to make a record of it." But I fear that all this worship
will be bad for Zoe, for up to now she has shown no narcissism or
self-consciousness. Our unself-reg boys are too sadistic and rough.
Buddha Leunbach talked rot when she said a baby self-regulated it
self in cold weather re clothes. Zoe would die of all the acute diseases
in the world if Ena didn't insist on her wearing warm things.
Many thanks for the Orgone Inst. leaflet re my book, and for the
kind things you say there, Reich.
Rangeley 1 Maine
My dear Neill:
- • •
May 18 th, 1949
I just received your letter of May loth. We have been at
Orgonon since May 3rd.
There are no doubts whatsoever to my mind that the psychoanalysts
have mobilized all their forces to counteract our influence in the public
in America. Due to this, they apparently did not print your article in
the Times.
The problems as presented by Copping are quite tremendous. They