I agree with you that when you come over in 1950 you should not
give any lectures beyond the minimum necessary to refund the travel
expenses. You and Ena and Zoe will be welcome guests at Orgonon,
and we shall not accept any pay for your stay.
Your book Problem Family is no flop whatsoever in the U.S.A. It
is being sold steadily, according to the rules of biophysical organic de
velopment which characterise my work: No flare-ups and no comets
which come and vanish, but slow, steady, patient conviction of people.
Your book is going very well, seen from this angle.
The roof on the observatory will go up next week, and thus a very
exhausting process will approach its end.
I hope all is well with you and that you survived the Ministry of
Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
My dear Reich,
June 23, 1949
Our inspection is over. Two oldish men were here for two
days. Both very friendly but obviously puzzled how to inspect. As I had
expected they bypassed the big question of character, balance, sincerity
etc. and concentrated on French, maths etc. finding, as I expected, that
in these we were inferior to State schools, not so much because lessons
are optional as because of the difficulty of getting the best teachers at
the small salaries I can pay. They said they would not give an adverse
report, and that I had nothing to fear. In two days they never mentioned
sex or anything emotional. I think we were lucky to get them, for we
might have had nasty men. Interesting to note that they had no real
interest in kids. When Zoe entered the room for the first time they
hardly noticed her. We can at least breathe freely now.
The conference on self-regulation you suggested we think would be
best at Xmas or Easter. Summer is hopeless, for people book up their
holiday months ahead. Ena and I and Zoe are to go to a seaside village
in Scotland for 14 days. The rest of the 8 weeks vacation we spend
painting S'hill etc. We keep looking forward to next summer in Maine,
bless you both.
I lectured to 60 students last week in London University Education
Dept. Later over tea the staff asked me questions about your work. One