Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

In spite of sometimes severe cold, it is beautiful at Orgonon in winter.
There are about 12 people working at present here, and the work is
spreading rapidly far and wide.
Peter has emerged fully from the troubles which he had during the
passage through the first puberty, and is flowering in a most beautiful
manner. He is one of the very few living humans with whom I have a
simple and immediate contact of understanding and of love. He learned
how to shoot well, and I am happy to be able to teach him to do so,
since, as the little men in this world continue to improve their lot the
wrong way, there will surely be war when he will be 19 and I feel that
in such a case it is better to know how to shoot well.

  • • •

Edinburgh, Scotland
March 6, 195 I
My dear Reich,
I am in Edinburgh doing a "cure." I got fatter and fatter and
had no energy. I don't believe in drugs and injections, and there is no
Orgone therapist in England. I returned to Thomson the nature cure
man. I am playing golf much of the time and the unusual exercise must
be helping to reduce the weight. I hope that when I go home next week
my sitting in the Akku will be, as it were, under less of a handicap. I
still think that the Akku should not be asked to contend against too
much intake of food and drink, and I guess that in-say-diabetes the
Akku would be used plus a sugarless diet.
You'll see the New Statesman review of Char. Analysis, a nasty bit
of work by a name I never heard of. It is a cheap review written in
prejudice not knowledge.
An M.P. friend is trying to get an interview with the U.S. ambassador
about my case. I fear he has a 100 to one chance against, but if the one
chance came, I'd come out this summer and trust to get enough lectures
to pay our passages. But if the Paris conference· breaks down there is
no hope of much other than war.
Will write when I get home.

  • A conference called by the Western powers to establish a treaty organization
    to contain the spread of Soviet power; the organization was to include a partially
    rearmed West Germany.

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