you taking things more easily? I make the guess that you damn well
are not.
I have no special news. Just the old daily round. I am teaching maths
all day and hating to do so, but I simply can't get teachers these days;
the salary is too small.
Zoe is well and growing and learning fast.
Our love to you all and our misery at not ever being able to see
you again.
Rangeley, Maine
My dear Neill:
- ••
February 12, 1952
I have set out to write to you several times, but again and again
I failed to get you properly. What in heaven's name do you mean that
you are endangering us if you write to us? The fact that books which
attack the government can be published in the U. S. is alone proof
enough that you are on the wrong track. Will you permit me to be
frank: I have the impression that you are spell-bound by fear of the
red fascists' possible victory in England to such an extent that you run
right into their arms. You speak at times, against your will, like a com
munist stooge, but you are certainly an anti-communist liberal rebel
individualist. Why do you do this? I am certain that this is what has
cost you your visa to the U.S. It is unnecessary, untrue and harmful.
Already, the anarchist politicians in England have depicted you as a
fellow-traveller. Did you see it? It would help if you would learn to
distinguish between the democratically-minded communist and the clear
type of red fascist. They have nothing to do with each other, except
the common origin.
We here are fully busy with research and some public affairs. The
Orgone Energy Accumulator slowly penetrates the American scene. But
Oranur is a very dangerous venture. The outcome is quite uncertain.
Write again, Neill, and stop fearing the red fascists. We are doing all
we can over here to cut them off.
- ••