points the way? I think of the motor that worked ... and then went out
of the picture. I think of the Oranur experiment with only Reich left
and apparently no help or support or belief from the official atomic
energy people. And the desert-rain project without official backing is to
me just a wonder how it can be done.
I get more and more uncertain about that word plague. I see it in
politics, in diplomacy but, maybe because of a blind spot, I can't see
it prominent in Summerhill. Cattiness, bitchyness, especially in girls
and women, but gradually mellowing in S'hill.
Reich says the future is in functional thinking ... and I don't know
what that means. I can only think concretely and never abstractly, hence
any book on-say-philosophy with its absolutes etc. is always beyond
my grasp.
I worry at the idea that Reich is standing alone, not having his family
with him.
A play is running in London for ten days only. Blue Armour. An
Accu on the stage, and a drama between the orthodox doctor cancer
researcher and the Reich practitioner, who does not claim a cancer
cure, only the right to try the unorthodox way. It is good drama, tense,
not dangerous to Reich. The newspaper reviews have not been good;
they mostly assume that the Accu and Reich were names invented by
the dramatist. I talked to two press women after the show and both
were most eager to hear about the "box."
- I •
[The following letter is from Ilse Ollendor/J Reich]
Rangeley , Maine
September 22nd, 1952
Dear Neill:
I know that we owe you a letter for some time, but things are
still rather hectic around, for both Oranur and Plague reasons, and we
just did not get around to keeping up with the correspondence. Reich
is still unable to stay for longer than 4-5 hours at the observatory, and
every time he tries to sleep there, he comes near death. He has to go
away from the Orgonon region, as far as 60 or 100 miles, before the
body symptoms ease up. Peter and I finally moved to Rangeley, where I
have rented a small, very nice house for the next 6-8 months and we
may take it permanently. It is big enough for all three of us to sleep