Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

creased enormously since Victorian days when sex was much more
repressed than it is today?" Luckily I was not called upon to answer.
With all this screening of air crews and ship crews the odds are against
my visiting you until 1984. I have been invited to lecture in Japan
but can't make up my mind. At 69 I find a lecture tour tiring, not the
lecturing but meeting new people all the time. I have £800 book
royalties in a Tokyo bank, frozen, but could use it to pay my fares.
r d have to fly for the voyage is 6 weeks.
Ena and Zoe fine. Z. is now 6 and nice to look at and clever and
easy to live with. She now lives in the school while we are in the
cottage. She brings the usual plague remarks from other kids...
"Daddy, it is rude to say cock, isn't it?" Damned annoying all the same
to find how strong a hold the other side gets on a kid. Ena and I counter­
act all the time of course.
I often wonder what is happening in Orgonon, picturing it in snow
and in summer.
Well, again, old friend, the best of everything to you all. And our
love to you all.

P. S. Xmas card from an old pupil in New York says: "Orgone therapy
is getting very popular in New York."

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