Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
tried in a better way than Oranur. This Christ book is of much more
value than all your Oranur experiments, your equations, your Bione.·
You may reply that you came to Christ via Bione etc. True, my point
is that if all your other works were lost this new book would contain
them all in a way that the reading man would understand with his guts.
Take care of yourself. lise says you stopped smoking two years ago.
I am always stopping and regressing to it in a very weak way. Bless you.

P. S. Oh, what is the secret of anti-life? Why are the animals the only
ones to be tensionless, to be natural about their sex and excretal func­
tions? Why are we the lower animals? Rats don't make bombs; cats
don't wage war; cows do not moo plague murmurs. The secret has
worried me for many years. If man had had a dog's periodical sex would
he have been anti-life? Was there a woman rutting season a million
years ago, and was man at peace then? The devil you say is the perverted
god. That is true, undoubtedly true. But Adam and Eve must have been
embracing long before the serpent entered the garden. The one optimistic
feature seems to be that the secret of source can be by-passed. Peter
the First and Zoe the First will not be completely free from that serpent
fellow, but Peter and Zoe the Twentieth may be because freedom will
wax with their generations. They will conquer the serpent in time, long
long time, but will he die a natural death? Will he still walk the earth
with cloven feet? I can't kill him in myself because I am fixed (und
jertig [and finished] at 70). Can you kill him in yourself? Is he your
Little Man all the time?
You have killed the gentle Jesus meek and mild ... or have you? If
today he were in East Berlin would he meet the Russian troops with a
sword? No. His answer to Brady would have been : "Woman, go and sin
no more." He could hate evil but not the men who did the evil... a
vital difference. Indeed I suspect that he was more of a liberal than
you allow!
And all this letter merely goes to show how much you have stirred
me up. You've given me an indigestion, a bad one, for how can I digest
your astounding Jesus when the Christian Jesus has been in my bowels
since birth? And this genital character worries me a lot. You write
as if the teeming millions have mostly been ungenital characters, that

  • Reich underlined the passage and wrote one word, NO.

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