ducting important discussions. I shall send you soon a copy of the
Bibliography which will prove to you, who plays such a great role as
my public conscience, that the discovery of the Life Energy is turning
over human thinking in all branches of living and can therefore not be
"recognized" by anyone in the usual way. It just simply bulldozes its
way through.
Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
My dear Reich,
- ••
October 5, 1953
If enclosed review of Flying Saucers is of a book that you don't
know, I'll send a copy to you. Hoppe says he thinks you will be
interested to see it. He has been here this weekend and it was a joy to
have him. For three days we talked nothing but Oranur, so much so that
it made me very sad to think that all this wonderful experiment is being
made and I can never be allowed to come and see it ... and you. The
rain-making sounds fantastic, like a Wellsian phantasy story of the
First Men in the Moon type; it brings conjectures of a new world with
food growing in the Sahara. I never heard of DOR [Deadly ORgone]
until Hoppe used the term, the T bacillus of the cosmos. But won't it
take a lot of proving to show it is caused by the atomic explosions? I
read they had 8 inches of snow in Cape Colony, an unknown event. If
it is due to DOR how can one prove it?
I am second-reading the Christ. It is too full of ideas even for a
second reading to satisfy. It isn't a matter of being for or against the
book; the argument just feels true, unanswerable, final. And yet I am
still bewildered about first causes ... why my dog shows its genitals and
I cannot show mine, why the human parent moulds and the animal
doesn't. I simply can't see the something that has to tum God into the
Devil. Hoppe says I should reread your Superimposition book, but it
has been "borrowed" like the Oranur booklet and all my copies of my
own books.
I feel much out of touch with you. I haven't seen a Bulletin for, oh,
two years.
You seem to admire Eisenhower with his mild look. I don't have any
opinion of him, only that he might have spared the Rosenbergs from
death after three years of suspense. I was asked to sign a petition on