Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
about it yet, only that I didn't see anything dangerous or misleading in
it. If he sticks to concrete stories of self-regulation okay, but will he?

Rangeley, Maine

My dear Neill:


February I, 1954

I wish to acknowledge briefly your letter of January 9th. Are
you still worried about my acceptance by the good world?
I would like to grant every healthy child of the future the right to have
a fit, whooping cough, an occasional accident and similar innocent
neurotic happenings. By all means, don't have them perfect! What
counts is the foundation and not the surface.
I am preparing beautiful material for a book which will be called
"Babies' Peace Offensive U.S.A."* Could not do it in Moscow.
I was very happy to have had news from you, please write again.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

My dear Reich,

  • • •

February 10, 1954

Just back after four weeks lecturing, once in Oslo, 7 times in
Sweden, twice in Denmark. Big audiences and good money ... brought
home £150 after paying fares etc. Helps to keep the school off the red
in the bank.
Judith gave a party and to my delight, Sigurd Hoel came and was,
as he always was, charming. Nic was there and got aggressive after some
drinks (as she always does, although she is a very nice person). Raknes
and Frau were there and next night he gave a birthday party with Nic
and Henrik Sorenson, an old acquaintance of mine to whom I can't
speak, for he knows only French and I don't. Judith was in bed with
something wrong in her back, but managed to get up for her party.
Lovely person Judith.

* This project was never completed.
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