Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

No one in Sweden seems to know much about you, but in Copen­
hagen several said to me : "If you mention Reich in your lectures some
folks will be wild." I did mention you a few times but couldn't see any
visible reaction.
No one in Oslo had any news of Elsa Lindenberg. ala Raknes is a
tower of strength, appreciated by everyone, a slow man but a sure one.
Met a lot of Communists in Denmark among the intelligentsia, but
they are not so narrow as the British ones; most of them will agree to
bad things in Russia, but of course they all think the economic solution
the main one. I asked them why Margaret Mead found the Arapesh tribe
in New Guinea loving children and growing up peaceful, while 100
miles away another tribe hates kids and their sex act means blood and
tearing? I told them both tribes had the same economic basis ... living
on yams and fish. No answer. Some had been to see Russian schools
and they rhapsodised about what they did for children. I asked: Do
they allow adolescents to have a sex life? They didn't know but thought
it was very unlikely.
Several people here keep asking me to go to see Russian schools for
myself, saying that the U.S.S.R. would gladly give me all expenses. With­
out knowing the language I could not get a thing firsthand from teachers
or kids, and of course if I went it would mean that I could never again
come to U.S.A .... not a likely event in any case. I'd go only if the
U.S.S.R. govt. invited me to come and talk to their teachers about free
children, and they are not likely to do that.
What do you think of Ritter's magazine? Raknes doesn't think much
of it. I must read it carefully myself.

  • • •

[Neill's letter of April 17, to which the following is an answer, is
missing. An injunction which included prohibition of the rental or
sale of accumulators had been issued on March 19, 1954.]

Rangeley , Maine

My dear Neill:

April 22, 1954

Your letter of April 17th arrived yesterday morning. I share
your worries about me, but in a certain way I am gl ad it happened the
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