Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

cult, for he knows that in a war Britain would be wiped out while parts
of U.S.A. and Russia and much of China would survive. I think that
the differences between us and U.S.A. arise from the fact that we are
much more vulnerable.
Ritter is making headway with his journal which has got an unex­
pected push forward owing to the legal verdict against you over there.
He says that W. Steig has written him about getting subscribers to his
O.F. in U.S.A., but if your own work is forbidden there, can he import
matter dealing with O. energy.
I wish I could share your optimism about the way one can fight bad
government. On this side of the Atlantic I think freedom is more free;
no judge can kill a book unless it is obscene. But I still don't know
what is behind your case, why it suddenly came to a point. I recall your
sitting with a Food & Drug guy for two hours in the lab in 1948 but
nothing happened then. It is all so mysterious. I l:eep wondering what
you are doing, how you can work, if your personal life is free.
Ena isn't well. She is difficult to advise, hates all medicines and of
course works far too hard. I try to get her to use the Box regularly but
she uses it one day and then says she hasn't time the next. I fear for
Zoe, for I can't live much more than ten years and I want Ena to live
and care for her after I go on. Zoe is still a darling. I begin to feel my
age; have to force myself to do what I used to do easily ... tell kids a
story, rehearse a play, dig a plot of ground, meet new people. I have
nothing new to give the school and the world. Genius and energy go
together; I have proved clearly that I'm no genius. A lazy devil.
I can't overcome an unscientific doubt I had long had. A G[eiger]
Counter reacts to death rays from atoms or radium; it reacts to O.
energy, hence my doubt which can be expressed as a question: Is there
any other known good energy that reacts to a G[eiger]-M[liller] Counter
also? I don't want your answer; too much to do without dealing with
my ignorance. But I'd like to know how all the orthodox scientists
explain the fact that the box does have a Geiger reaction; I mean how
does it fit into their scornful dismissal of OR as phantasy and bunk?
One bright young scientist when he read of your G-M reaction said:
"Obviously the G. Counter was a faulty one." Good old science!
Send us latest photos of yourselves and Peter. We do feel so much
out of touch these days.

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