is given or expected. It is a new world against an old and dead world.
Eisenhower spoke publicly of the American revolution. I called it,
months ago, the second American Revolution.
Write again Neill. Now I have more leisure and heart to read and
write letters.
Summerhill School
Leis/on, Suffolk
My dear Reich,
- ••
August 9, 1954
Poor old Wolfe. * I think of him as a happy schoolboy out with
his motor boat, then in the evening a miserable fellow drinking to
escape life. I have often thought of him in connection of your saying
that no therapy in the world can alter fundamentally early character
formation. Orgone could not fight Swiss Calvinism because it started
later. But still it had much success, for he did fine work. Ena and I
liked the guy a lot; my own Scots Calvinism was perhaps a help in my
understanding him. I don't suppose Gladys helped but no woman can
help a sick man.
Ritter. I can't do a thing, can't even hint that you are critical of
him. He of course is cashing in on the U.S.A. ban ... "I can now
publish all Reich's articles, etc." I don't know what you can do about it
unless you simply tell him harshly that you don't want to be interpreted
by anyone. But you and I are always handicapped by seeing the other
guy's point of view; it would be a little cruel to stop his evident en
thusiasm. But I fancy anything he writes about your deeper work will be
inadequate. I know how I'd feel if some young fellow started to explain
my Summerhill. I have also to think of the plague angle, have to ask
myself: Neill, aren't you envious of Ritter? Half my age, understands
more about Orgone science than I do, is rather patronising to me, half
sneering at my last book as saying nothing new. You say his stuff is "on
the verge to drown in Little Man Socialism." I see the Little Man
part, but not the socialism, but then I confess I haven't read his journal
so thoroughly as I might have done.
Communism. Ex S'hill teacher on deputation to Rumania, party
- Neill had just heard of Wolfe's death.