Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
member of course. Said: "I tried to sell S'hill to teachers there, but they
knew your books and said: Neill's methods are all right for delinquents
but not for normal children." So now we know, eh? I see U.S.S.R. has
reintroduced co-education, but it means only attending same classes;
it is only a HEAD co-education.
Off to lecture to Cambridge University. Did Oxford last summer.
Query: Am l out of date or have the universities progressed? The Con­
ference programme is called "Freedom in School and Society," but I
don't see sex freedom in the syllabus.
Tell me how you are, how the work is going-or stopped-how you
can live without an income. Not curiosity on my part; concern rather.
Is the appeal going through? If so, what chances of success? And what
progress in rain-making? Did the authorities probieren [try] it? I wish
Raknes had stopped here on his way home to tell me the latest.
Oh, I wish I could talk with you. A hundred questions strike me ...
what is the observatory doing? When will Orgonon be clear of danger
rays? Damn all political things that prevent our meeting again. East and
West both show the same futility. New Zealand has just built her biggest
school, costing £200,000. Over the front door are the words: The
Motto of this School is Silence. And a magistrate here has ordered a
book seller to burn The Decameron as obscene ... Not bad after a run
of 500 years.

Rangeley, Maine

My dear Neill:

  • ••

August 29, 1954

I am late in answering your letter of August 9th. Here is a
brief summary of our situation:
We have won the case against the FDA factually. * There is still
the legal angle of lifting the injunction. No books will be burned. We
have strong support from government quarters in matters of drought
combat. An expedition of 4 men, including myself, is preparing to go
to the S.W. Arizona and California to do serious desert work. We have

* Reich believed that he had blocked the FDA by not appearing in court.
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