Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
and defense of profit has no political label; it is a Tatsache [fact]
We are always having something to differ about, you and I! Why is
everyone silent about space ships now? No reports of them anywhere.
I'm posting ordinary post copy of Freedom because it has an attack
on Ritter. I send it sealed so that no one can accuse you of receiving
an anarchist paper.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

My dear Reich,

  • I •

August 22, 1955

My Weilburg Conference was what I expected, almost com­
pletely divorced from reality. I took up sex only to be left almost un­
answered. I told them they were all theory and mysticism. So far as I
could see the German educationist is where he was in 192 I, concerned
with forming character by setting an example. But I did drink a lot of
my favourite drink Helles [light beer] and ate a lot of my pet Leber­
wurst [liver sausage].
Had a visit from Ritter the other day. He tells me that Barakan is
now a leading Dianetics man, which doesn't surprise me one bit. The
book by Hubbard just seemed utter bosh to me when I read it a few
years ago.
I feel sad about the death of Flugel. He really was a nice chap. I
owe my friendship with you mainly to him indirectly, for when my
chairman at my Oslo meeting said after the lecture: "You had a very
distinguished man in your audience tonight ... Dr Wilhelm Reich," I
was excited because Flugel had lent me your Fascism book to read (in
German) and was so interested in it that I at once phoned you and you
invited me to dinner. Yes, he was a good guy, Jack Flugel, the only
echt [genuine] Freudian who was human and genial. True he stuck like
so many at your Character Analysis. "Up to that point Reich was
brilliant and great, but ... " but you know the story told so often.
To return to Ritter ... he can't see my point when I say to him: "My
dear fellow, if you started a magazine caned Summerhill News I should
object strongly, for as long as a man is alive and working no other man
can possibly interpret his work." I think he is genuine in his desire to
spread the gospel according to St Wilhelm. That is why he worries me;

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