Alban Towers
Washington, D.C.
My dear Neill:
[ 1956 ]
February 29, 1956
I was deeply touched by your letter of Feb. 22nd. You are
one of the very few honest ones.
I hope you have received the book on Space Ships by Ruppelt.· Let
me know what you think about it.
It would be most helpful if you could dampen somewhat the en
thusiasm of the Jews in Israel about the present possibilities of self
regulation. Would you tell them how tough the problems involved really
are. Otherwise a new disastrous religion of "Self-regulation" without
true change of the deep structure of man will result and will continue
killing for another 2000 years.
Your decision not to come to the U.S.A. at the present time seems
rational to me. I do not believe that you would en joy it or that your
liberal attitude would be appreciated. Liberalism itself has come under
sharp public scrutiny as to its true function in society. I personally would
love to have you at Orgonon, but Oranur has destroyed its peacefulness
and liveability.
- I •
[The following letter was never sent.]
Alban Towers
Washington, D.C.
My dear Neill,
March 3, 1956
After having mailed my last letter to you I received a letter
from Paul Ritter. Somehow in my mind a connection was established
between the test liberalism is undergoing at present and the Ritter case.
I shall use his case in a planned publication under the title "Cross
roads Ahead" where I shall attempt, concluding from past experiences,
to sound a few warnings against continuation of a many-folded stupidity,
including my own. I wonder whether it has become clear to you that it
- The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, by Edward J. Ruppelt (Garden
City, New York: Doubleday, 1956).