Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
Constance writes from Oslo saying that Judith has had an operation
and is cheerful now. Poor woman.
I'll write you when I go back to Summerhill.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

My dear Reich,

  • I •

May 23, 1956

I did not write because I knew you had so many things to think
of. I hear that you and Silvert will be sentenced tomorrow, * but what­
ever the sentence nothing on earth can destroy the importance of your
work. t You have often written me about the wonderful democracy of
the States, but I cannot imagine any scientist in England being sen­
tenced for his work. No law court here could possibly order a scientist
to stop publishing what he believed, and certainly no court here ever
has the power to decide whether anything is dangerous or not. I think
that American democracy has a hell of a lot to learn especially about
tolerance and real freedom. Over here we all know that you were
prosecuted, not because you invented Orgone Accumulators, but be­
cause your work in general has stirred up all your enemies. That is
clear; what isn't so clear to us is why the U.S.A. laws allow a vendetta
against a man of new ideas. The Statue of Liberty ought to have a very
red face these days.
Steig writes me that funds are low and can I do anything to assist.
For myself I am always in the red and make no profit at all ... But
what a dreadful waste if money has to go to legal expenses instead of
to new apparatus for research.
I wonder if a letter signed by several names protesting against your
sentence would help. I think that England ought to know the truth
about scientific research in U.S.A. I would try to get people who might
not believe in your work like Bertrand Russell who maybe never heard
of you. I forget who it was who said to an opponent: "I hate what you
say but I am ready to go to the gallows in support of your right to say it."

* For contempt of court.
t Reich was sentenced to twenty-four months in jail; Silvert to a year and a day,
and his license to practice medicine was revoked. He committed suicide five
months after. he was released.
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