Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

70,72,75,77,79, 88-90, 92 - 3, 102,
104-5,108, III, 115-16, 119, Ill,
Il6-7, 136, 145-8, 159
International Mark Twain Society, 149,
International PsychO-Analytical Associa­
tion, vii, 38, 38n
Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality.
The, see Einbruch der Sexualmoral

J ones, Ernest, 66, 66n, 68, 70
Journal (Reich's), see International
Journal of Sex Education, 260
Jung, Carl, 58, 173, 189, 191

Kinsey, Alfred C., 220, 220n

Klein, Melanie, 241, (^398) - 9
Koestler, Arthur, 288n, 289
Kravchenko, Victor, 176n, 289
Lancet, The, 13, 13n, 26, 28-30,66, 70
Lane, Homer, viii, Il5, 307
Last Man Alive (Neill), 21-2
Legman, Gershon, 258, 258 n, 259
Lenin, Nikolai, 155-7 , 167
Leslie, Desmond. 392, 392n
Leunbach, Buddha and Joyce, 159, 159n,
162, 165, 189--90,250, 278, 32 9
Lindenberg, Elsa, 5, 5n, 21 - 2, 37-42,
Lins, Mrs., see Neill, Lilly
Listen, Lillie Man! (Reich), 17on, 171,
173-4,198, 202, (^206) - 9, 213 -14, 217,
227-8,231,250,325, 34 7
Little Man, see Listen, Little Man!
Love and Death: A Study in Censorship
(Legman), 258, 258 n, 259
"Love-Discipline, Yes-Hate-Discipline,
No" (Neill), 231, 23 10, 232
Lysenko, Trofin, 254. 254n
McCarran-Walter Act, 330, 330n, 355
McCarthy. Joseph, v, ix, xv, 374, 380,
Mcintosh, Clarence, 286 -8, 290, 299,
303, 329
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 13, 13n
Man, Morals and Society (Flugel), 139
marriage, 129 -31, 133-5, 137, 139,^141
Martin, Kingsley, 332
Mass Psychology of Fascism, The
(Reich), v, 37, 37n, 74-6, 167, 170-1,
173,178, 203,250, 259,340, 397
Massenpsychologie des Faschismus, see
Mass Psychology of Fascism
Mayo Clinic, 242
Mead, Margaret, 373
"Message to England" (Stekel), 40
Mohr, Luis, 161
Moise, William, 379
Mosley, Oswald, 207
Murder of Christ, The (Reich) , 325,
325n, 327, 334 -5, 359 -64, 365n, 368,
(^413) - 15
Naturliche Organisation der Arbeit in
der Arbeitsdemokratie, Die (Reich),
27, nn
Neill, Ena, ix, xi, 129, 151, 160-1, 165-
7, 171-3, 175, 178, 187-8, 190, 198,
20 1-2,205-6,208-9, 212 -14, 219,
22 1-3, 228, 232, 234, 237, 249-50,
252 -3 , 244,261,264, 267, (^27) 0-1,
275 -7, 28 1, 287,289,307,3 27-8, 343 ,
352 , 365, 375
Neill, Lilly Lindesay, 5, 5n, 39, 46, 57,
64, 79, 82, 88, 90, 93, 112 , 1 Iln, II 3-
14, 118
Neill, Zoe, xv, 173, 175-8, 186 --8, 192,
194,196,198, 205,207, 21 I-Il, 218 -
23, 233-5,237, 239 , 245-6,250,252-
3, 255-6,261,263-4.268,270,272,
276,297,300,310, 312- 14. 320-1,
324,328,337,342,345, 352 , 357-8,
360, 371, 375,382, 388, 40 1-3, 406
NeusHitter, Otto, ix, 106
"New Cult of Sex and Anarchy, The"
(Brady), 193n
New Era, The, viii-ix. 412
New Republic, The, xii, 178, 193n, 194
New Statesman and Nation, 36,66. 86,
198, 27� 311. 315-1� 332.395, 421
New York Times Magazine, The, 228,
231, 231n, 232, 24 1, 249-50,293, 298
Oberleitner, Toni, 323, 323n• 331
Oranur experiment, 316. 31 6n, 317-19,
322 -3,344-6, 350, (^354) - 6, 359,363,
367-8, 37 1, 379, (^404). 409
Oranur Experiment, The: First Report,
1947-1951, 334, 334n, 342, 344.347,

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