Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
[ 1936-1939 ]

cover of foto-plates and darkens them. I paid attention to it first when
my eyes started to ache. They became very sensitive against light, but
the doctor says nothing serious is to be seen yet. I continue the tests
and am trying to get in touch with Niels Bohr, the physicist. If the
matter holds, then there will be radium to be had for nearly nothing
for everybody. These Bions kill cancer cells promptly. You can see it
in the microscope. If only nothing bad has happened to my eyes. I have
had to stop my work now and am waiting until the eyes get better.
Write me please if you made sure the possibility to publish in this
medical magazine [The Lancet]. I would not like to get a rebuff. I had
enough of those dirty tricks. I shall write you again when the matter
is definitely affirmed.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

Dear Reich,

  • ••

February 8, 1939

The lecture went off quite easily. Stekel was there. Haire* was
my Chairman. I spoke quite a lot about Reich and I could see Stekel
didn't like it. He got up later and spoke, saying that it was pure
phantasy to say that capitalism had anything to do with sex repression.
Later we all went to Flugel's house for supper. Then I learned the real
truth about Reich! Oh, Haire was bitter about you ... you have a rebel
complex that compels you to destroy everything you touch ... z.B.
[for instance] the Freudian Verein, Communism, Sex Reform League.
"Reich has done more to destroy sex reform than any man living."
Nasty man, Norman, isn't he?
On the other hand quite a number of people came to me after my
lecture and asked me where they could get your books, and if they
were translated into English.
I am to have lunch with H. G. Wells soon. You know him and his
books? He wrote the History of Science. Possibly the most powerful
man in English science. I feel he would be interested in the Bione. Now,
Reich, can't you send me a clear account of Bione so that I can at least
explain them to Wells without of course giving away the inner secrets?
I suggest something short... how Bione are made, how they react to

* Norman Haire, British sexologist, headed the Sex Reform League.
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