Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

I'd like to hear your comparison between the democracies of U.S.A.
and Norway. It may be that you are finding New York more tolerant
than Oslo because it is bigger, and you are left much more free from
local silly criticism. Move on to a small town in the Middle West and
you will find narrowness enough. In East England we were free to do
what we liked. Last Sunday here we were gardening when a local
religionist came and lectured us on profaning the Lord's Day. New York
versus any Main Street.
Your English is vastly improved, but it hurts me to think you are
possibly talking with an Ammurican accent now: can't think that you
call a "bird" a "boid."
I have got back my interest in analysis again, but have also a great
interest in mathematics. Last weekend I travelled to the east of England
to lecture to a big meeting of teachers, a day's journey. I spent the day
working out maths problems.
Well, well, Reich, goodnight. I long to see you again, but in a differ­
ent way from before, for I have no wish to lie on the sofa and be the
Emperor or anyone else; I just want to see you and hear all about what
you are doing. I am convinced that your name is the successor to that
of Freud. I hear little of the analysts now; most of them are out of
London. Apparently bombing has not made more neurosis. One doctor
wrote that it had lessened it.

Bion-Cancer Research Laboratory
Forest Hills, New York

My dear Neill:

  • • •

April I, 1941

When I read your letter of March 4, I was struck again by an

experience which I have made over years and years, that is, how it

is possible that so many people, good, clever, honest people, still, only
after years of their own experience get in touch within themselves with
the problems I describe. Then for the first time they understand the
problem as well as its details. Then they reread those books and come
to understand my headaches. Quite a similar thing happened several
weeks ago when I received a letter from a physicist in ZUrich who had
followed my work since about 1930, and who now for the first time,
10 or II years later, seemed to have got into contact with the real

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