Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

bracing as that on the East Coast, even though it is a mountainous
country, and none of us feels so energetic as we did. The appalling thing,
Reich, is that I have completely lost all interest in psychology. It is
possible that my analysis with you, by giving me freedom in the reflex,
destroyed a complex which had been expressed in trying to cure the
other fellow. I can rationalise that with my wife's breakdown in health,
with shortage of staff etc., I have too many things to do, but I know it
is only a rationalisation, that if I were keen, I'd find time for veg.-therapy.
I find I am happiest in writing, but here again, with paper shortage, it
is almost impossible to have a book published. And also life has become
so much more primitive in many ways. I spend hours digging to produce
food, and so do the children. And thank God, I think I have more
interest in the children than I ever had. They are grand and clever and
lovable, and I know that this system is the only one of any value in the
world. They don't seem to need any therapy of any kind, and that is
the ideal education-to educate children in such a way that they won't
need therapy later on.
I hear little from Sweden, no word at all of our old friends.
Two years ago I had just come back from Oslo. No, it wasn't two
years ago; it was two thousand.
All the best, Reich, and the moment you publish anything send it to me.

P.S. I keep wondering if there is any connection between your cure by
Bione and the Naturopath's cure of cancer by fruit and raw greens, for
he cured a lady doctor I sent to him of cancer of the breast six years
ago. Are the same sun rays in Bione and fresh grown vegetables? Or do
both have a vitamin not yet known? The Nature Cure people talk of a
cleansing diet (fruit) but they are all so moral that their idea of
eliminating the "poisons" from the body has a strong link with their
wish to el iminate the moral poisons too. They are nearly all very

Summerhill School
Festiniog, North Wales

My dear Reich,


July I, 1941

I am late in replying; felt run down and went off for a golfing
holiday, and now feel fine.
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