Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

whether training alone is enough to explain sex-repression. I would
think yes. No wild stallion needs the assistance of any keeper. The
domesticity of animals is entirely a moral training, because the natural
sex function is not lived any more according to natural rules, but accord­
ing to the opinion of man as to when a young horse or a young calf
should be born. All the things you mention, wrong food, clothing, etc.
are in their last meaning nothing but evasion of nature, and of course,
there can be no universal orgastic life if the rest of life is unnatural. And
as to the value of culture "that makes bombs, poison gas, prisons and
politicians," I believe it is destroying itself and the level of the life of
the Trobriands will be back soon-and happily.
Write again, Neill, you are not only the only important European
connection, but more than that, you are an honest good friend, and
I am proud that you are a member of the Institute.

Rangeley, Maine

My dear Neill,

  • I •

July 29th, 1942

Your letter of July 9th concerning the publisher, has just
arrived. You have, of course, my permission to negotiate with them,
and also to make the contracts. The main point in such a contract would
be that
(a) the publisher has no right to censor, to change or to leave out
anything of the text without my consent.
As to the translation, I think that it would be sufficient if they trans­
late the book and if you revise it. I would only like to stress the
following points:
a) The fascism book* was written ten years ago, when I still had
some confidence in the Marxists. The book contains therefore many
Marxist expressions, expressing my own viewpoints. Words like com­
munism, communistic, proletarian, socialistic and so forth. These words
have meanwhile lost their meaning completely. Not only because of the
behavior of the Marxists, but mainly because of the new formulations
of our work-democratic concepts. The word "worker" does not mean the

* The Mass Psychology of Fascism.
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