Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

handworker alone in distinction from the intellectual. "Work" means all
branches of labor, which are indispensable for the process of society, a
physician in this sense, or a teacher, is not less important than a
machinist. All such words should be eliminated and be replaced by the
simple \-ord revolutionary, revolution, etc. When I shall hear from you
that the deal is made then I shall go through the book and shall add
footnotes at the places where it is necessary to bring the book up to date.
But the text in the whole should, out of historical reasons, remain un­
b) To cover the development of our social knowledge up to date, I
believe it would be advisable to have an appendix printed which would
contain either my pamphlets about "Work Democracy" or a summary
of these pamphlets. To bring out the book about fascism would be rather
useful. I know that it is read all over Germany and Austria in the under­
ground movement. People like it, and it is more true today than it was
ten years ago.
The second issue of our journal has just come out and you will re­
ceive many copies.
I am writing an article for the third issue and have spent the last
four weeks worrying tremendously about how to handle the incapability
of the masses to govern themselves. This incapability was entirely over­
looked by all free social movements, and the result was that social
freedom was crushed again and again. You can't tell the people that they
are incapable of freedom and be liked. I am afraid I shall have to
choose the truth instead of being liked. It is a tough problem. And
don't look please upon it from the standpoint of your school. Look at
this incapability for freedom from the standpoint of 2000 million people
on this earth and you will see what I mean. Object sharply, if you have
objections. I tried to find objections to my statement myself.

Rangeley, Maine

My dear Neill,

  • • •

August 6, 1942

I have looked through the second German edition of Die
Massenpsychologie des Faschismus and become convinced that it would
be very bad to publish it as it is now. The book is permeated with
Marxian slogans which lost their meaning completely meanwhile. For

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