Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

trying to buy a moveable wardrobe or cupboard which I
could line, but
do tell me if tin
' will do. After all, tin is thin ,iron sheeting dipped in
molten tin.
Reich, I have so complete a faith in your genius that when you tell
me the box is the "goods" I believe you, and I accept it without re­
quiring any proof. Your Journal NO. 2 convinces .me entirely, and it
by the way is much better than No. I ih my estimation..
I returned from Thomson's much better. I think his "theory" all
bunk, but his practice certainly is good and gets result� in physical but
not in psychical health. It does not release the orgastic reflex, indeed.
nature cure is anti-sex and Calvinistic and moral. I go to it simply be­
cause it does not treat bodily symptoms. I should think that this "cleans­
ing" diet plus your box should keep a man alive to the age of 150 or so.·
Smoking I still keep off but as to drink I have no intention of keep­
ing off it. With whiskey at over £1 a bottle and wine almost unprocur­
able I guess alcohol won't be any problem during this war anyway.
Life is more complex with me now. War conditions are not easy. True
we are safe from bombs in Wales, but it is always' wet and relaxing and
far from all culture and companionship. I can't get teachers or if I can.
they are usually inferior�mostly conscientious objectors to military
service, negative folk who
won't face, reality. Then with an invalid wife
I have a do�ble load to carry, having to do a thou.sand things I never
had to do before... food, servants, children's clothing, etc. And
settling the differences of opinion among' the female staff who all want
to have things their own way. But in the main things are tolerable. So
far the children. haven't s:uffered for lack of good food, but they suffer
for lack of good exercise, for in this mountain land there isn't one
flat field for hockey or football" and the snow is never good enough or
lies long enough for winter sports.
Of late I have taken up in an amateurish way scientific agriculture.
Here the land is very poor and no. good farmer will sell manure. My
problem was to feed 100 people on
home-grown veg. and fruit. I have
the same attitude to inorganic artificial manures that I have to drugs in
.medicine; both ,\re dead things, and artificial manure can never make
the first essential to growth-humus, which must come from decayed
organic stuff. Hence my proble� has been to compost all veg. rubbish
so as to get good manure. Unfortunately grass, nettles etc. will not
make a compost without animal manure, but I was lucky enough to buy
20 tons of mule dung, and have some fine heaps now. I am most inter-

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