Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
ested in the ideas of Sir Albert Howard * who says that all spraying of
trees with tobacco, mercury, etc. is wrong, merely treating symptoms.
He traces all plant diseases back to poor soil and manures, and says
that in India he had cows on grass artificially manured and they took
foot and mouth disease, but in the next field he had cows on naturally
manured pasture and they rubbed noses over the fence with the in­
fected cows but none of them contracted the disease. The trouble is
that an editor of a Gardener's Weekly can't easily condemn artificials
when so doing would lose an advertisement worth £2,000 a year, say.
This may be boring to you; it only shows how land-minded the war
makes us all. You will guess by all this that the war has converted me
from a psychologist into a damned farmer... not much difference be­
tween the two, for both waste time dealing with muck, yet it is better
to fork farmyard muck than to sit and listen to psychic repressed muck.
Well, Reich, I shall end this rambling letter. Do answer the main
questions .... must one be naked? Is stone suitable instead of saw­
dust, etc?

P.S. A thought: That cancer case in NO. 2 Journal. Danger ... unskilled
men will put their cases in the Box, cure the cancer, or rather re­
convert it into sex repression and not know how to deal with it then.
Probable result, too much suicide. How to cure what causes it. Another
thought: A parent, expert in radio, says: "I sit in a Faraday boxt for
hours at a time, testing apparatus. Neither I nor anyone else in the pro­
fession have ever noticed any difference to health or skin. Ask Reich
why the effects of an F. Cage hasn't been discovered by the many
engineers who have used one." He says that the cage can be of copper
wire netting of one inch mesh. That sounds odd to me.

  • I •

* An Agricultural Testament, by Sir Albert Howard (London : Oxford Univer­
sity Press, 1940 ).
t Better known as a Faraday cage. An electrostatic shield made of wire mesh
or a series of parallel wires.
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