Geotechnical Engineering

(Jeff_L) #1


10. The sequence of topics and subtopics is sought to ~ made as logical as possible.
Symbols and Nomenclature adopted are such that they are consistent (without sig-
nificant variation from Chapter to Chapter), while being in close agreement with the
intemational1y standardized ones. This would go a long way in minimising the possi-
ble confusion in the mind of the student.

  1. The various theories, formulae, and schools of thought are given in the most logical
    sequence, laying greater emphasis on those that are most commonly used, or are
    more sound from a scientific point of view.

  2. The author does not pretend to claim any originality for the material; however, he
    does claim some degree of special effort in the style of presentation, in the degree of
    lucidity sought to be imparted, and in his efforts to combine the good features of
    previous books in the field. An sources are properly acknowledged.
    The book has been designed as a Text-book to meet the needs of undergraduate curricula
    ofIndian Universities in the two conventional courses-"Soil Mechanics" and "Foundation Engi-
    neering". Since a text always includes a little more than what is required, a few topics marked

by asterisks may be omitted on first reading or by undergraduates depending on the needs ora

specific syllabus.
The author wishes to express his grateful thanks and acknowledgements to:
(i) The Indian Standards 1nstitution, for according permission to include extracts from a
number of relevant Indian Standard Codes of Practice in the field of Geotechnical Engineering;
(it) The authors and publishers ofvariou8 Technical papers and books, referred to in the
appropriate places; and.
(iti) The Sri Venkateswara University, for permission to include questions and problems
from their University Question Papers in the subject (some cases, in a modified system of Unite).
The author specially acknowledges his colleague, Prof. K. Venkata Ramana, for critically
going through most of the Manuscript and offering valuable suggestions for improvement.
Efforts wil1 be made to rectify errors, if any, pointed out by readers, to whom the author
would be grateful. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome.
The author thanks the publishers for bringing out the book nicely.
The author places on record the in valuable RUpport and unstinted encoUragement re-
ceived from his wife, Mrs. Lakshmi Suseela, and his daughters, Ms. Sarada and Ms. Usha
Padmini, during the period of preparation of the manuscript.



C. Venkatramaiah
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