Geotechnical Engineering

(Jeff_L) #1


high swelling and shrinkage potential these are difficult soils to deal with in foundation

  1. Marine soils, occurring in a narrow belt all along the coast, especially in the Rann of
    Kutch. These are very soft and sometimes contain organic matter, possess low strength
    and high compressibility.

  2. Desert soils, occurring in Rajasthan. These are deposited by wind and are uniformly

  3. Alluvial soils, occurring in the Indo-Gangetic plain, north of the Vindhyachal ranges.

  4. Lateritic soils, occurring in Kerala, South Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa and West

Summary of Main Points

  1. The term ‘Soil’ is defined and the development of soil mechanics or geotechnical engineering as
    a discipline in its own right is traced.

  2. Foundations, underground and earth-retaining structures, pavements, excavations, embank-
    ments and dams are the fields in which the knowledge of soil mechanics is essential.

  3. The formation of soils by the action of various agencies in nature is discussed, residual soils and
    transported soils being differentiated. Some commonly used soil designations are explained.

  4. The sturcture and texture of soils affect their nature and engineering performance. Single-grained
    structure is common in coarse grained soils and honey-combed and flocculent structures are
    common in fine-grained soils.


  1. A. Atterberg: Über die physikalische Boden untersuchung, und über die plastizität der Tone,
    Internationale Mitteilungen für Bodenkunde, Verlag für Fachliteratur, G.m.b.H. Berlin, 1911.

  2. J.V. Boussinesq: Application des potentiels á 1 etude de 1’ équilibre et du mouvement des solides
    élastiques’’, Paris, Gauthier Villars, 1885.

  3. C.A. Couloumb: Essai sur une application des régles de maximis et minimis á quelques problémes
    de statique relatifs à 1’ architecture. Mémoires de la Mathématique et de physique, présentés à 1’
    Academie Royale des sciences, par divers Savans, et lûs dans sés Assemblées, Paris, De L’
    Imprimerie Royale, 1776.

  4. W. Fellenius: Caculation of the Stability of Earth Dams, Trans. 2nd Congress on large Dams,
    Washington, 1979.

  5. T.W. Lambe: The Structure of Inorganic Soil, Proc. ASCE, Vol. 79, Separate No. 315, Oct., 1953.

  6. O. Mohr: Techiniche Mechanik, Berlin, William Ernst und Sohn, 1906.

  7. L. Prandtl: Über die Härte plastischer Körper, Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der
    Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (Mathematisch—physikalische Klasse aus dem Jahre 1920, Berlin,

  8. W.J.M. Rankine: On the Stability of Loose Earth, Philosophical Transactions, Royal Society,
    London, 1857,

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