Geotechnical Engineering

(Jeff_L) #1


  1. M.G. Spangler: Soil Engineering, International Textbook Company, Scranton, USA, 1951.

  2. K. Terzaghi: Erdbaumechanik auf bodenphysikalischer Grundlage, Leipzig und Wien, Franz
    Deuticke Vienna, 1925.


1.1 (a) Differentiate between ‘residual’ and ‘transported’ soils. In what way does this knowledge
help in soil engineering practice?
(b) Write brief but critical notes on ‘texture’ and ‘structure’ of soils.
(c) Explain the following materials:
(i) Peat, (ii) Hard pan, (iii) Loess, (iv) Shale, (v) Fill, (vi) Bentonite, (vii) Kaolinite, (viii) Marl,
(ix) Caliche. (S.V.U.—B. Tech. (Part-time)—June, 1981)
1.2 Distinguish between ‘Black Cotton Soil’ and Laterite’ from an engineering point of view.
(S.V.U.—B.E., (R.R.)—Nov., 1974)
1.3 Briefly descibe the processes of soil formation. (S.V.U.—B.E., (R.R.)—Nov., 1973)
1.4 (a) Explain the meanings of ‘texture’ and ‘structure’ of a soil.
(b) What is meant by ‘black cotton soil’? Indicate the geological and climatic conditions that tend
to produce this type of soil. (S.V.U.—B.E., (R.R)—May, 1969)
1.5 (a) Relate different formations of soils to the geological aspects.
(b) Descibe different types of texture and structure of soils.
(c) Bring out the typical characteristics of the following materials:
(i) Peat, (ii) Organic soil, (iii) Loess, (iv) Kaolinite, (v) Bentonite, (vi) Shale, (vii) Black cotton
soil. (S.V.U.—B. Tech., (Part-time)—April, 1982)
1.6 Distinguish between
(i) Texture and Structure of soil.
(ii) Silt and Clay.
(iii) Aeoline and Sedimentary deposits. (S.V.U.—B.Tech., (Part-time)—May, 1983)
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