Q 2 Q 3
Q 1 Q 4
R 1
R 4
R 2
R 3
10 .8 Approximate Methods
Approximate methods are used to determine the stress distribution in soil under the influence
of complex loadings and/or shapes of loaded areas, saving time and labour without sacrificing
accuracy to any significant degree.
Two commonly used approximate methods are given in the following subsections.
10.8.1Equivalent Point Load Method
In this approach, the given loaded area is divided into a
convenient number of smaller units and the total load
from each unit is assumed to act at its centroid as a point
load. The principle of superposition is then applied and
the required stress at a specified point is obtained by
summing up the contributions of the individual point
loads from each of the units by applying the appropriate
Point Load formula, such as that of Boussinesq.
Referring to Fig. 10.20, if the influence values are
KKBB 12 ,,... for the point loads Q 1 ,Q 2 , ..., for σz at A, we
σz = diQK 12 BB 12 ++Q K ... ...(Eq. 10.55)
If a square area of size B is acted on by a uniform
load q, the stress obtained by Newmark’s influence value
differs from the approximate value obtained by treating
the total load of q.B^2 to be acting at the centre. It has been established that this difference is
negligible for engineering purposes if z/B ≥ 3. This give a hint to us that, in dividing the loaded
area into smaller units, we have to remember to do it such that z/B ≥ 3; that is to say, in
relation to the specified depth, the size of any unit area should not be greater than one-third of
the depth.
10.8.2 Two is to One Method
This method involves the assumption that the stresses get distributed uniformly on to areas
the edges of which are obtained by taking the angle of distribution at 2 vertical to 1 horizontal
(tan θ = 1/2), where θ is the angle made by the line of distribution with the vertical, as shown
in Fig. 10.21.
The average vertical stress at depth z is obtained as:
σzav= qBL
...(Eq. 10.56)
The discrepancy between this and the accurate value of the maximum vertical stress is
maximum at a value of z/B = 0.5, while there is no discrepancy at all at a value of z/B ≈ 2.
Fig. 10.20 Equivalent point
load method