Göring. A Biography

(Michael S) #1

think that my trusty old ice pick will soon be clatter-
ing on Norwegian glacier ice. I also believe that my old
energy and zest for life will return. What is it like in
the evening at your hotel, by the way? Does one have
to wear a dinner jacket?

He never found out. Ten days later he suffered a violent relapse,
and Carin herself would sign the necessary papers for him to be
committed to a lunatic asylum.
The extraordinary Swedish medical dossier recording
Hermann Göring’s committal to Långbro Asylum tells a desper-
ate tale. Nurse Anna Tornquist reported how the behavior of
“Captain von [sic] Göring” during the last two days of his stay at
the clinic left no choice but to commit him:

Until then things had gone calmly although he was
easily irritated and insisted on his doses. On Sunday,
August , Captain Göring’s craving for Eukodal* be-
came much greater, and he insisted on getting the
quantity he himself determined. At about : .. he
broke open the medicine cupboard and took two
shots of the two percent Eukodal solution himself. Six
nurses could do nothing to stop him, and he behaved
in a very threatening manner. Captain Göring’s wife
was afraid that he might even kill someone in his

By Monday he had quieted down. The medical superintendent,
Dr. Hjalmar Eneström, ordered him given a sedative and a shot
of morphine. Göring told him he was willing to adhere to the
prescribed doses.

At about : .. on Tuesday [September ,

  • Eukodal, a controlled substance under the Reich Narcotics Act, was the
    synthetic morphine derivate dihydro-hydroxy-codeinon hydrochloride, to be
    injected intravenously.

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