], however, the patient became troublesome and
again demanded medication. He jumped out of bed,
got dressed and shouted that he wanted to go out and
meet death somehow, since somebody who had killed
forty-five people had no other choice now than to
take his own life. As the street door was locked, he
could not get out; so he ran up to his room and
armed himself with a cane, which turned out to con-
tain some sort of sword. The patient was given the
additional injections, and remained in bed demanding
still more.
When police and firemen arrived at about :
.. he refused to go along with them. He tried to re-
sist but soon found it futile.
Wrapped in a straitjacket he was taken by ambulance to another
hospital, the Katarina. They opened a case-history file:
Göring, Hermann Wilhelm: German Air Force
lieutenant. Cause of illness: abuse of morphine and
Eukodal; severe withdrawal symptoms. Was removed
by governor’s office from Aspuddens Nursing Home
on certificates issued by Drs. G. Elander and Hjalmar
The patient holds a prominent position in the
“Hitler party” in Germany, took part in the Hitler
putsch, during which he was injured and hospital-
ized; says he escaped from there to Austria, was given
morphine by the doctors at the hospital, after which
he became addicted to morphine. Admitted to As-
puddens, the patient manifested violent withdrawal
symptoms (in spite of his nurse allowing him more
morphine), during which he became threatening and
so violent that he could no longer be kept there.
Threatened to take his own life, wanted to “die like a
man,” threatened to commit hara-kiri, and so on.
Compulsorily committed, with his wife’s consent.
Upon arrival here [at the Katarina Hospital] on Sep-