Göring. A Biography

(Michael S) #1

malevolent toward Dr. Eneström because of his com-
mittal, [says] E. bribed by the Jews; thoughts of sui-
cide; says he himself is a “a dead man politically” if
word of his committal gets out in Germany; exagger-
ates withdrawal symptoms; hysterical tendencies, ego-
centric, inflated self-esteem; hater of the Jews, has de-
voted his life to the struggle against the Jews, was Hit-
ler’s right-hand man. Hallucinations  saw Abraham
and Paul, “the most dangerous Jew who ever existed”;
Abraham offered him a promissory note and guaran-
teed him three camels if he would give up the fight
against the Jews; onset of visual hallucinations,
screamed out loud; Abraham was driving a red-hot
nail into his back, a Jewish doctor wanted to cut out
his heart; suicide attempt (by hanging and strangula-
tion); threatening, smuggled an iron weight in as a
weapon; visions, voices, self-contempt.

The doctors’ confidential reports spoke of his weak character 
“One never knew how he would react,” wrote one. “But since he
had been a German officer he found it easy to obey.” Another
qualified him as a “sentimental person, lacking in fundamental
moral courage.”
Then, on October , , his ordeal was over. He was dis-
charged from Långbro with a certificate that he had obviously
begged the professor in charge to sign:

I hereby affirm that Captain H. von [sic] Göring was
admitted into Långbro hospital at his own request;
that neither upon admission nor later did he show
signs of mental illness; and that upon discharge now
he also does not show any symptoms of an illness of
this kind.
Långbro Hospital
October , 
 ,
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