Göring. A Biography

(Michael S) #1

My darling’s health is my greatest concern [she
pleaded]. It is in far, far greater danger than my own.
Darling, darling, I think of you all the time! You are
all I have, and I beg you, make a really mighty effort
to liberate yourself before it is too late. I understand
full well that you can’t break free all at once, particu-
larly now when everything depends on you and you
are hounded and harassed from all sides. But set
yourself limits. Abstain from taking it for just as long
as you can stand it.
Make the interval as long as possible. You must
suffer, you must be uncomfortable  but for my sake,
because I love you so endlessly.
I want so much to be with you when the time
comes that you quit altogether... And after that,
place your trust in me. This time tell me if you feel
the craving coming back. Don’t keep it from me. This
time tell me, “I can’t hold out  I want to take it
Then we can talk with the doctor or go away for a
few days or you can go alone to the mountains so that
you escape the urge.
You are a great spirit and fine man, you dare not
succumb. I love you so strongly, with my whole body
and soul, that I could not bear to lose you: to be a
morphinist is to commit suicide  day after day you
lose a small part of your body and soul.... You are
ruled by an evil spirit or force, and your body gradu-
ally wastes away....
Save yourself and with you, me!

Despite all his efforts, Göring was again losing the battle. Under
interrogation eighteen years later he would hint at otherwise
unexplained excursions he made to Turkey in  and to Brit-
ain in the same year or the next. It is fair to comment that Tur-
key was one of the leading opium-producing nations. The

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