Göring. A Biography

(Michael S) #1


Jac. Re.
( )
Berlin, January , 
: Church Conflict
Niemöller talks with unidentified person and tells
him among other things that Hitler has been ordered
to Hindenburg at :. The Reich president receives
Hitler in his dressing room. The Last Rites before the
conference! Hindenburg receives him with our
memorandum in his hand. The approach via the
Ministry of the Interior has also turned out well. (FA
comment: How, was not explained.)
“I’m glad that I brought ? here and that I rigged
it all so well with Meissner [Hindenburg’s Staatssek-
retär]. If things go wrong  which I don’t anticipate
 we’ve got a good start for a free church. Give me a
call late afternoon. I’ll know more then.”
(Monitored : ..)

The deception sealed Niemöller’s fate. Göring’s police searched
his house later that day  nothing incriminating was found 
and two days later he was suspended from all further office.

On the last day of August  President Hindenburg had ap-
pointed this cheeky former air-force captain, Hermann Göring,
to full general (General der Infanterie). Göring in turn re-
warded Hindenburg with the gift of an estate in Germany’s am-
putated eastern province, East Prussia. Göring’s servile aide
Erich Gritzbach, passing through Allenstein, in East Prussia, on
his way to arrange Göring’s “state visit” to the president, indi-
cated casually to the local burgomaster that his minister, General
Göring, would like to be made an honorary citizen of the town
 despite the short notice  and he recommended the Berlin

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