Yellow and the Traitors
Years later, awaiting the end in his cell at Nuremberg, Hermann
Göring would philosophize about the little accidents of fate that
affect human lives. In he had been waiting at a bus stop, en
route to his initiation as a Freemason. A toothsome blonde
crossed his path, and he stalked off after her instead. As a Free-
mason he would have been disqualified from joining Hitler’s
Nazi party. But for that blonde, he reflected, he might not be
languishing in that prison cell in .
So it was with that plane’s crash-landing in Belgium in
January . It nearly ended his career: that he stayed in office,
and therefore had to pay the penalties that duly accrued, was
probably a chance by-product of a little known service that he
was able to perform in revealing an ongoing treason being per-
petrated at the highest levels of the Nazi high command. On
January , Göring secretly visited Hitler with the Forschung-
samt dossier containing intercepted Italian and Belgian tele-