fittings executed in gold and platinum.
Carinhall inventory, dated Feb. , , in OMGUS files, NA, RG., box .
Luftwaffe war conferences: Recorded in Milch’s diary and notebook and
HG’s file on the Battle of Britain, now in the Library of Congress,
Ac., (DJ film ); and see the Hoover Library microfilm D.G,
“Reich Air Ministry: Briefings and Conferences with Reichsmarschall,”
July-Aug., .
Battle of Britain: From Sept. through Feb. , the diaries and notebooks
of Field Marshal Milch are particularly useful (on DJ film ). On Sept. ,
, he wrote: “Then to see Göring with Luftflotte commanders Jeschon-
nek and Bodenschatz. . ‘When [can we bomb] London?’... . Göring
[will visit] Holland Friday, spend Saturday, Sunday at Ghent. Göring’s
going over there for about fourteen days to exert stronger influence on the
commanders.” And on Sept. : “Conference with Göring in his train near
Beauvais... Thinks the British are scraping together their last forces.
British [have] issued tough operations orders [our planes were]
rammed twice.” After the same conference Milch noted: “Luftwaffe h a s
jurisdiction over everything connected with the Luftwaffe. Death sen-
tences to be executed by hanging in the village concerned; leave them
hanging twenty-four hours. Death sentence too for cases where our pris-
oners have been badly tortured.” For a lower-level chronicle on the Battle
of Britain, see the lecture given on Feb. , , by Capt. Otto Bechtle, op-
erations officer (Ia) of KG bomber wing (based in Holland), in NA,
RG., box m.
Fascinated by the Soviet Union: Based on the war diaries of the High Com-
mand (OKW), Naval Staff (SKL), and of Halder, Lech, and Bock, and
notes taken by George Thomas (ND, -PS).
Chapter : The Art Dealer
The Art Dealer: Göring’s “art dealing” activities were fully investigated for
years after the war by the British Monuments and Fine Arts Commission
(see the files in PRO class T, and IWM, FO., box ) and by its
American counterpart, the Commission for the Protection and Salvage of
Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas (records in NA, RG.).
The latter retained the files of “Orion,” the OSS Art Looting Investigation
Unit, especially its draft report (box ) and interrogs. (box ); see fur-
ther the report, “Works of Art Mentioned in Various Transactions on Be-
half of Göring during and ” (box ), the files of the Einsatzstab
Reichsleiter Rosenberg, ERR (box ), of Hitler’s dealer Karl Haberstock
(box ), of Hermann Bunjes (box ), of Alois Miedl (box ), and of
Walter Hofer (box ). Some of this material is duplicated in the OM-
GUS Property Division records (NA, RG., Mrs. Ardelia Hall Collec-
tion), Interalia, box : HG’s financial records and inventories; box :
correspondence of HG and Miss Limberger, notes on purchases; box :
HG’s jewelry, dispatch lists, correspondence; boxes , , and :
chronological HG files, –; boxes, , , and : numerical HG
files. In general on HG’s art activities, see his remarks on May ,
(SAIC/X/), and interrogs. at Nuremberg, Oct. , , and , and Dec. ,