Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1
After Completing This Chapter...
The student should be able to:
·Solve problems modeled by the uniform series compound interest formulas.
·Use arithmetic and geometric gradients to solve appropriately modeled problems.
·Applynominalandeffective interest rates.
·Usediscreteandcontinuouscompounding in appropriate contexts.
· Use spreadsheets and financial functions to model and solve engineering economic
analysis problems..


1.Set aside your calculator and test your intuition for a minute. What annual rate of return
do you suppose it would take to turn $5000 into $20 million in 51 years? 100%? 200%?

  1. Now get out the calculator. What was Anne Scheiber's actual average annual rate of

return during the years she was investing?

  1. How does that rate compare with the overallperformance of the stock market during the
    period from 1944 to 1995?

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