Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1


months. The company treasurer has indicated that he
could pay for the equipment as follows:
April 1
June 1
Aug. 1
Oct. 1
Dec. 1



A local office supply firm will agree to sell the equip-
ment to the firm now and accept payment according
to the treasurer's schedule. If interest will be charged
at 3% every 2 months, with compounding once every
2 months, how much office equipment can the Miro
Company buy now? (Answer: $2020)
By installing some elaborate inspection equipment
on its assembly line, the Robot Corp. can avoid hir-
ing an extra worker who would have earned $26,000
a year in wages and an additional $7500 a year in
employee benefits. The inspection equipment has a
6-year useful life and no salvage value. Use a nomi-
nall8% interest rate in your calculations. How much
can Robot afford to pay for the equipment if the wages
and worker benefits would have been paid
(a) At the end of each year
(b) Monthly
(c) Continuously
(d) Explain why the answers in(b)and(c)are larger
than in(a).
Assume the compounding matches the way the wages
and benefits would have been paid (i.e., annually,
monthly, and continuously, respectively).
Annual maintenance costs for a particular section of
highway pavement are $2000. The placement of a new
surface would reduce the almual maintenance cost to
$500 per year for the first 5 years and to $1000 per
year for the next 5 years. After 10 years the annual
maintenance would again be $2000. If maintenance
costs are the only saving, what investment can be
justified for the new surface. Assume interest at 4%.
An investor is considering buying a 20-year corpo-
rate bond. The bond has a face value of $1000 and
pays 6% interest per year in two semiannual pay-
ments. Thus the purchaser of the bond will receive $30
every 6 months in addition to $1000 at the end of
20 years, along with the last $30 interest payment.
If the investor wants to receive 8% interest, com-
pounded semiannually, how much would he or she
be willing to pay for the bond?



5-23 A road building contractor has received a major high-
way construction contract that will require 50,000 m3
of crushed stone each year for 5 years. The needed
stone can be obtained from a quarry for$5.80/m3.
As an alternative, the contractor has decided to try
and purchase the quarry. He believes that if he owned
the quarry, the stone would only cost him $4.301m3.
He thinks he could resell the quarry at-the end of
5 years for $40,000. If the contractor uses a 10% inter-
est rate, how much would he be willing to pay for the
5-24 A new office building was constructed 5 years ago by
a consulting engineering firm. At that time the firm
obtained a bank loan for $100,000 with a 12% annual
interest rate, compounded quarterly. The terms of the
loan call for equal quarterly payments to repay the
loan in 10 years. The loan also allows for its prepay-
ment at any time without penalty.
As a result of internal changes in the firm, it is
now proposed to refinance the loan through an insur-
ance company. The new loan would be for a 20-year
term with an interest rate of 8% per year, compounded
quarterly. The new equal quarterly payments would
repay the loan in the 20-year period~ The insurance
company requires the payment of a 5% loan initia-
tion charge (often described as a "5-point loan fee"),

  • which will be added to the new loan..
    (a) What is the balance due on the original mortgage
    if 20 payments have been made in the last five
    (b) What is the difference between the equal quar-.
    terly payments on the present bank loan and the
    proposed insurance company loan?
    5-25 ffiP Inc. is considering establishing a new machine to
    automate a meat packing process. The machine will
    save $50,000 in labor annually. The machine can be
    purchased for $200,000 today and will be used for a
    period of 10 years. It is has a salvage value of $10,000
    at the end of its useful life. The new machine will
    require an annual maintenance cost of $9000. The
    corporationhas a minimumrate of return of 10%.Do
    you recommend automatingthe process?
    5-26 Argentinais consideringconstructinga bridge across
    the Rio de la Plata to connect its northern coast
    to the southern coast of Uruguay. If this bridge
    is constructed, it will reduce the travel time from
    Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Sao Paulo, Brazil, by
    over 10 hours and has the potential to significantly
    improvethe flow of manufacturedgoods betweenthe

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