Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1

After Completing This Chapter...
The student should be able to:

· Distinguish between simple and complex problems.

·Discuss the role and purpose of engineering economic analysis.

· Describe and give examples of the nine steps in theeconomic decision making process.

· Select appropriate economic criteria for use with different type of problems.

· Solvesimpleproblemsassociatedwithengineeringdecisionmaking.


1.How did the cost and weight of fireproofing material affect the engineers' decision
making when the Twin Towers were being constructed?

  1. How much should a builder be expected to spend on improved fireproofing, given the
    unlikelihood of an attack on the scale of 9/11?

  2. How have perceptions of risk changed since the 9/11 attacks, and how might this affect
    future building design decisions?

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